Being a member of the Nwosu Lab provides trainees the opportunity to not only do research but also build their network, collaborate, hone presentation skills and learn about other research efforts on campus and beyond. Below are some of our activities:
Lab Meeting Presentations
We have lab meetings every week. For these meetings, trainees are scheduled to present their research updates and next steps. We also ocassionally use part of the lab meeting time to discuss recent publications by way of Journal Club. Members of the lab are expected to take advantage of the lab meetings to hone their presentation skills, develop the ability to think like a researcher as well as incorporate feedback to move their research forward.
Cancer Metabolism Focus Group
We participate in the Cancer Metabolism Focus Group (CMFG) Monthly Seminar Series. This group aims to foster collaboration among various labs that are interested in or work on cancer metabolism at the Cornell University main campus. Graduate students and postdocs attend this monthly meeting and get the opportunity to present their work when it is our lab’s turn.
Other Seminars
Trainees have the opportunity to attend weekly seminars by the graduate fields of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology (BMCB), Genetics, Genomics and Development (GGD), or Biomedical and Biological Sciences (BBS). In addition, our department organizes weekly seminar series. This provides a great opportunity for students to learn about new topics and connect with faculty members from other institutions (i.e., invited speakers). Often times students are offered the opportunity to meet the speakers over lunch to discuss career matters.
Conference Participation
The PI and trainees have the opportunity to attend any of these annual meetings, namely, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting, AACR Special Conference on Pancreatic Cancer, Keystone Symposia (mainly on Cancer Metabolism), European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) Annual Congress, New York Academy of Science Cancer Metabolism Meeting, Gordon Research Conferences and lots of other conferences. Trainees are supported and encouraged to attend at least one conference a year to get fresh perspectives and expand their network.
Lab Socials
There is an old saying that “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” We try to have at least one social outing per month to provide the opportunity for lab members to interact, strengthen the bond of friendship and discuss other matters of importance that may not be related to research. Participation in these outings is highly encouraged. Pictures from selected outings are below: